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Aviva Briefel

Affiliation: English, Cinema Studies
Edward Little Professor of the English Language and Literature and Cinema Studies, Chair of English Department

Aviva Briefel is Professor of English and Cinema Studies. She is the author of The Deceivers: Art Forgery and Identity in the Nineteenth Century (Cornell University Press, 2006), The Racial Hand in the Victorian Imagination (Cambridge University Press, 2015), and coeditor of Horror after 9/11: World of Fear, Cinema of Terror (University of Texas Press, 2011). She is currently at work on a book manuscript on Victorian spiritualism and material culture. Aviva has published extensively on Victorian literature and culture and on the horror film.

Ghost and Things Racial Hand in Victorian Imagination Book Cover Image Labors of Fear Deceivers Book Cover image Horror After 9/11 Book Cover Image
Aviva Briefel headshot


  • PhD, Harvard University, 2000
  • MA, Harvard University
  • BA, Brown University